Quality- and testing specifications
The quality and testing specifications form the basis for quality assurance. They are defined by the quality committee of the quality assurance association in colaboration with experts from the construction and testing sectors and representatives of the producers and consumers.
After a public hearing procedure, the quality and testing specifications are implemented by the RAL-Institute for Quality Assurance and Labelling. In this process, the consumers cannot be overruled by a majority in the quality committee.
Once the initial testing has been passed, the RAL- Quality Label is assigned. It is valid for one year and is renewed for another year after the annual testing.
Extensive testing and checks record the strict requirements
The inital testing according to RAL principles comprises far more than a testing certificate according to DIN EN or EN principles.
The contents are: The qualification of the producer (proof of experience, trained personnel, supplier obligation for raw materials and production equipment including the storage facilities) and the internal monitoring of the production (checks with documentation performed by the responsibles regarding feedstock, idendification checks, measurements).
All checks including requirements have been defined in the documents of the Quality- and Testing specifications as initial- and annual tests and internal testing. Initial testing and annual tests are conducted by a neutral and independent testing laboratory which is commissioned by the Quality Assurance Agency.
If the annual testing should not be passed, a special testing is conducted. A repeated negative result causes the revocation of the permission to display a RAL-Quality Label for the respective product.
Sport flooring as a piece of sports equipment
The RAL-Quality Assurance forms the guideline for the production of a highly complex sports flooring system in highest quality.
Clear requirements have been defined regarding the sports and safety function.
Initial RAL testing comprises significantly more aspects than test certificates according to European or national norms.
One focus of the RAL-Quality Assurance is the environmental compatibility of the products. The health of the users and also the residents may not be compromised, and the soil, water and air quality may not be impaired.
Initial testing, internal monitoring and checks performed by independent testing laboratories guarantee a very high standard.
High quality means sustainability and efficiency.
Obligations and rights of producers as a member of the RAL-Quality Assurance Association
The producers are obliged to acknowledge the statutes and the quality and testing regulations of the Quality Assurance Association.
The quality assurance starts with the passing of the initial testing procedures and the awarding of a RAL-Quality Label. Holders of the RAL-Quality Label can thus proove their membership in the Quality Assurance Association including the quality assurance for the offered product(s) according to RAL-GZ 943 and/or RAL-GZ 944. This proof encompasses the entire scope of the RAL-Quality Assurance.